How do I correct my Project Management correspondence log attachments after migrating my data to another server or location?
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Note: Attachment paths must be less than 254 characters, including the file name.

  1. Before you begin, do the following:
    1. Make a backup of your data. See DocLink: How to Back up Company data with System Administrator including SQL Replicator
    2. Verify that you have purchased and installed the Timberline ODBC driver.
  2. Verify the DSN configuration
    1. Click Start. Point to Programs, ODBC, 32bit ODBC Administrator.
    2. Select the Timberline Data Source or a data source that you previously created from the User Data Sources list. Click Configure.
    3. Click Select Directory. Find and select the data folder that you want to change, and click OK.
    4. Make a note of whether you are using Standard Descriptions or Custom Descriptions.
    5. Click Options >>.
    6. Clear the Use maximum table segment size and Shorten field and table names check boxes.
    7. Click OK twice.
  3. Use Microsoft Access to create a link table – steps are for Access 2016
    1. Open Microsoft Access.
    2. From the Home or New menu options, select Blank Database.
    3. Type in a file name and click Create.
    4. Go to the External Data tab.
    5. Click New Data Source, From Other Sources, ODBC Database.
    6. Select "Link to the data source by creating a linked table." and click OK.
    7. In the Select Data Source window, click on the Machine Data Source tab and select the data source verified in section B.
    8. Click OK. If you use security in the Sage Timberline Office applications, enter your operator ID and password in the Operator Selection window.
  4. Update the attachment with the new path
    1. In the Link Tables window, select the PJC_Correspondence_Correspondence_log file (if you are using Standard Descriptions) or Correspondence_pjc_correspondence_log file (if you are using Custom Descriptions), and click OK.
    2. In the Database window, double-click the table link.
    3. In the Table window, find the Correspondnc_Log_fil_Links column.
    4. Select the entire column. To do so, click the title of the column.
    5. Right-click and select Find.
    6. In the Find and Replace window, click the Replace tab.
    7. In the Find What box, type the information that you want to change.
    8. In the Replace With box, type the replacement information.
    9. If the information that you entered is a partial path, in the Match: list, select Any Part of Field. We recommend doing this at the workstation, and not directly at the server. Due to Windows UNC Path names and mapping issues across the network, occasionally the path names are mapped differently at the workstation level. Locating the path at the workstation level in Windows Explorer to your Correspondence folder and replacing in Access the current path to this exact path alleviates any possible server name issues that would arise changing the mapping at the server directly.
      Tip: For example, Find \\OldServer\Timberline\Mydata and Replace With \\Newserver\Timberline\Mydata.
    10. Click Replace All to replace the old path with the new path. You will be prompted with a message stating how many records will be changed. Please note that all changes update your live data and cannot be reversed. You may need to perform the Find and Replace steps more than once if you have stored attachments to the correspondence log in more than one location.
  5. Open Project Management and verify that you can now open attachments from Documents, Correspondence Log successfully.

[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]
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