How to Back up Company data with System Administrator including SQL Replicator

Important! Perform the backup during off hours so that nobody is accessing or changing the data.

Use the Backup tab to back up your company data (including the global, Service Management, Purchasing, and Inventory data) on a regular basis. Your company folders are backed up to a ZIP file.

  1. Open Sage System Administrator.
  2. Select the Backup check box in front of the companies to include in the backup. If you have more than one company, we recommend that you back up all of them.
  3. In the Files column, select the type of files to back up:
    • All: Includes print files or other file types that were saved inside the company folder as well as the data files.
    • Data only: Only includes the Pervasive files and folders (not other file types such as .bmp and .txt files) inside the company's data folder.
      Important Note: The System Administrator Backup tool is excluding the extended data files when the Data Only option is selected - see DocLink: System Administration Backup tool excludes extended data files when the Data Only option is selected
      Note: We recommend that you select All. The Sage\Timberline Office\9.5 folder is always included in the backup.
    • Note: The WinInst folder is excluded automatically from the backup. In order to back up this folder, you will need to specify it specifically using step 4 below. The folder to back up is as follows:
      C:\ProgramData\Sage\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\9.5\ACCOUNTING\WinInst
  4. If you need to add other folders to the backup, click Add Folder and select the folder; it will be listed in the Folders folder.
    Note: You may want to include folders containing attachments that are not already in the data folders.
  5. Select the folder to store the backed-up data by either:
    1. Typing the path.
    2. Clicking Browse and selecting the folder.
  6. To schedule a time every day for an automatic backup, select the Automatically back up every day at check box, select the time, and click [Save]. This will add an entry into the Task Scheduler in Windows.

DocLink: Using the System Administrator to back up and restore your data (video)

Steps to duplicate
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