How to Back up Company data with System Administrator including SQL Replicator

System Administrator is a backup tool introduced for Sage administrators to back up Company data, and SQL Replicator data if used. The System Administrator tool is only available on the Sage host server.

It automatically performs a backup of the 9.5 folder in the Timberline Office share which contains customized customer data. This includes reports, taxes, formulas, inquiries, log files, and security information with user names and passwords.


Important: Perform the backup during off hours so that nobody is accessing or changing the data.

Use the Backup tab to regularly back up your company data (global, Service Management, Purchasing, and Inventory). A ZIP file gets created with your company folders.

  1. Open Sage System Administrator.
  2. Sign into the Sage login prompt and close out of the SQL login prompt that shows next.
  3. Select the Backup checkbox in front of the companies to include in the backup. If you have more than one company, we recommend that you back up all of them.
  4. In the Files column, select the type of files to back up. We recommend that you select All. The Sage\Timberline Office\9.5 folder is always included in the backup.
  5. For adding other folders to the backup, click Add Folder to select the folder. They're listed in the Folders directory.
    • You can include folders containing attachments that aren't already in the data folders
    • Add the WinInst folder for backup   NOTE: Folder location: C:\ProgramData\Sage\TIMBERLINE OFFICE\9.5\ACCOUNTING\WinInst 
  6. Select the folder to store the backed-up data by either:
    • Type the path.
    • Click Browse and select.
  7. To schedule a time every day for an automatic backup:
    • Select the checkbox Automatically back up every day at
    • Select the time
    • Click Save
    • This will add an entry into the Task Scheduler in Windows
Steps to duplicate
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