How do I enter a charge for a lease in Property Management?

Use Miscellaneous Entries to enter charges for your leases:

  1. In Property Management, from the Tasks menu, select Create Charges, Miscellaneous Entries.
  2. In the Type column, select CHG Charge.
  3. Select the appropriate Property, Unit, Lease, and Tenant information.
  4. In the Charge Type column, select the appropriate charge type.
  5. If the charge is a deposit charge, select the Deposit Type.
  6. Enter the Transaction Date, Accounting Date, and Charge Date. For more information about dates in Property Management, refer to article 17152 DocLink: What is the difference between the various dates in Property Management?
  7. Enter the appropriate Amount.
  8. Verify the Debit Account and Credit Account. These will prefill from the accounts assigned to the charge type in Setup, Charge Types.
  9. Click Save Entry.
  10. Repeat steps 2-9 for additional charges you need to create for your tenants, then click Close and post your entries.

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