Different dates have different functions in Property Management:
- General Property Management dates
- The Accounting Date determines the accounting period that is affected by a Property Management transaction. When you post entries, the Accounting Date is compared to the current period ending date in other Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate applications to determine whether entries are posted to current, future, or prior period activity fields. In Property Management, the Accounting Date determines the General Ledger period affected by Property Management transactions.
- The Transaction Date can reflect the date that you enter a transaction in Property Management. It can be different from the Accounting Date. For example, when you generate rent charges, the Transaction Date can reflect the date that you are processing the task while the Accounting Date reflects the date the charges post to the General Ledger. Some reports can be sorted by the Transaction Date. The Transaction Date you enter when you refund a deposit is used as the Accounts Payable invoice date.
- The Charge Date is used with the summary charge type and item ID to identify open items. When transactions have the same charge date, summary charge type, and item ID, they are combined into a single open item. For more information about open items, refer to the attachment below. The Charge Date also affects the calculation of late charges. The Cutoff Date you enter during generate Late Charges processing is compared to the Charge Date to determine the number of days late.
- Recurring Charge dates (Tasks, Manage Leases, Change Lease. Click the Recur Chgs tab.)
- The Next Date specifies when a recurring charge will be charged next. When you run Generate Rent Roll, the Cutoff Date is compared to the Next Date on each recurring charge on your leases. A charge is created if the Next Date is on or before the Cutoff Date.
- The Terminate Date specifies when the charge should no longer be generated. Charges are created up to, but not including, this date. For example, if you want to bill rent through 1/31 then type 2/1 for the Terminate Date. If you want rent billed through 2/15, then type 2/16 for the Terminate Date. You can leave this date blank if the charge should continue for the life of the lease. When you terminate the lease, the Terminate Date from the End Lease process is used for the Terminate Date on the recurring charges.
- The Effective Date specifies when a charge amount takes effect. Click in the Charge Amount(s) column to see the Effective Date. If an amount has an Effective Date in the middle of the month, when you generate that month's rent, the charge prorates on the old amount and new amount.
- For example, if the current rent is 1000.00 and the new rent of 1200.00 is effective 4/15, then when April's rent is generated it will calculate 4/1 through 4/14 on 1000.00 and 4/15 through 4/30 on 1200.00. The sum of the prorated amounts is the 4/1 rent charge.
- The Start Date specifies the date to begin calculating charges. This date is set based on the Prorate From or First Full Charge Date you enter during the Activate Lease process. This date does not appear on the Recur Chgs tab; you can view it only through a report or inquiry based on the PM Lease Recurring Charge record.
- Late Charges dates (Tasks, Manage Leases, Change Lease. Click the Late Charges tab.)
- The Next fee date is the date through which the lease has been assessed late fees on open items. Late charges are generated from the Next fee date to the Cutoff date you type when you create late charges. If the field is blank, Property Management assumes that late fees have never been assessed for the item, and charges are calculated from the first day the open item was eligible for charges to the Cutoff date you type. If the Cutoff date is prior to the Next fee date, no charges are created.
- Cash Receipts and Returned Checks dates
- The Deposit Date is the date you deposit the cash receipts to the bank. You can enter multiple deposits with the same deposit date when you enter a different Deposit ID for each deposit. Cash Management uses this date in the Date column (Reference Date) in the Edit Register task.
- The Payment Date you enter in the Cash Receipts task is also the transaction date on cash receipt entries. There is not a separate field labeled Transaction Date in the cash receipt task. This date is used in reports and inquiries and in the calculation of late charges.
- The Return Date you enter in the Returned Checks task is also the transaction date on return check entries. This task does not have a separate field titled Transaction Date. Cash Management uses this Return Date in the Date column (Reference Date) in the Edit Register task.
For information about dates used in Activate Lease, Renew Lease, Amend Lease, and Terminate Lease, refer to the attachments below.
DocLink: What is an Open Item in Property Management? DocLink: What is affected by the dates that I enter during Activate Lease in Property Management? DocLink: What is affected by the dates that I enter during Renew Lease in Property Management? DocLink: What is affected by the dates that I enter during the Amend Lease Effective Now process in Property Management? DocLink: What is affected by the dates that I enter during Terminate Lease in Property Management?