"Operation could not be completed Error Code 0x0000002" when installing the Sage PDF Converter Manually in Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200
[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]

This message signifies that the Driver for the "Sage PDF Converter" cannot be installed on the Local Workstation, probably due to Security Restrictions. First, try logging in as the Local Machine Administrator on the affected workstation and perform the Installation. If that does not work, perform the following:

  • Import the "Sage PDF Converter" Registry Entry under HOTKEY CURRENT CONFIG --> Software from a working workstation, then try the Sage PDF Converter Installation again. For a copy of this Registry key, contact Sage Customer Support. 

If that does not work, perform the following:

  1. Install the Sage PDF Converter on the MAS90/200 Application Server
  2. On the Server, Go to Printers and FAXes (Or Devices and Printers for Windows 7 / Server 2008)
  3. Right click the "Sage PDF Converter" and choose "Properties" (Or "Printer Properties" for Windows 7 / Server 2008)
  4. Go to the Sharing Tab
  5. Share the Printer and give it a Name that is recognizable across the Network
  6. On the workstation, Go to Printers and scanners applet. Choose to Add Printer and Choose a Network Printer
  7. Locate the Sage PDF Converter you Shared and add it to the workstation
  8. After the Converter is installed, browse to the MAS90/Home folder from the workstation and run PDFInstall.exe
  9. Return to Printers and scanners applet.
  10. Right click on the "Amyuni Document Converter" and choose "Properties" (Or "Printer Properties" for Windows 7 / Server 2008)
  11. Rename the Printer to "Sage PDF Converter" without the quotes
  12. Go to the Ports tab and Create a New Local Port called "Sage"
  13. Direct the Converter to the New Port that you just created and click Apply.
  14. Click OK, then remove the "Shared" Sage PDF Converter

Installing the "Shared" Sage PDF Converter forces the drivers onto the workstation, allowing the installation to take place.

NOTE: the link provided Under "Related Reseources" details the manual installation process for the Sage PDF Converter when PL_AdvancedOptions_UI and PDFInstall.exe both fail to install the Sage PDF Converter

DocLink: "Error Code 1801: The Printer Name is invalid" appears in the Converter Installation log and the Sage 100 PDF Converter is not installed in Sage 100
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