How to install and uninstall the Sage 100 PDF converter
[BCB:3:Network warning:ECB]
Sage Software Customer Support is not responsible for assisting with network and printer issues. Consult your network administrator before making changes.
In a Citrix environment, the Sage 100 PDF Converter must be installed on the Citrix server, not on the local workstation.
If the normal installation fails, see the Manual Installation section at the bottom of this article.
Before installing the PDF Converter, verify the following:
A Windows default printer is defined.
All printers are in Ready status.
You have rights to add and remove printers.
Perform the following if the PDF Converter must be reinstalled for some reason
Sage 100 2018 or higher:
Log into Sage 100
Select File, Run from the toolbar
At the Program field, type PL_AdvancedOptions_Ui
Click OK. The Paperless Office Advanced Options window opens.