How to determine if third-party products are installed to Sage 100, or Error occurs with third-party program in Sage 100


[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Sage 100 (formerly Sage MAS 90 or 200) versions 4.00 through 4.50; and 2013 and higher:

  1. Open Modules, Library Master, Reports menu, Installed Modules Listing
  2. Check the modules listed for non-standard Sage 100 programs/modules, publisher listed other than Sage, asterisks by the modules, or level numbers that are not consistent with the existing level number.

Sage MAS 90 or 200 versions 3.71 and earlier:

  1. Open Modules, Library Master, Utilities menu, Installed Applications Listing
  2. Check the applications listed for non-standard MAS 90 or 200 programs, asterisks by the modules, or level numbers that are not consistent with the existing level number.

To check whether a third-party module may be activated for specific companies:

  1. Open Library Master, Main menu, Company Maintenance
  2. For Company Code, select a company
  3. In the Activated Modules area, check for any non-standard application modules.

Error occurs with third-party programs in Sage 100

Some programs listed in error messages are obviously from a third-party. The name of the program would include the module code followed by a number and an underscore or the code followed by an underscore and a number

  • Note: Third-party programs are usually found in the "..\MAS90\Links" folder and/or in the main program directory for one or more modules, such as "..\MAS90\AR" or "..\MAS90\CI", "..\MAS90\SO". Sometimes, however, a developer may directly modify a standard Sage 100 program (not recommended!)
    • Example: AR_Customer_Ui.pvc is a standard Sage 100 program. AR_531Customer_ui.pvc is not a standard Sage 100 program
    • Example: SO_InvoicePrinting_Rpt.pvc is a standard Sage 100 program. SO088_InvoicePrinting_Rpt.pvc is not a standard Sage 100 program
    • Counter Example: AP_140ManualCheckRegister_Upd.pvc might be made by Scanco, but if Production Management is installed, errors with this program are handled by Sage 100 Customer Support.

If a 3-digit Developer Code is known, use the Library Master, Data File Display and Maintenance utility to view records in the SY_Developer.m4t system data file. Each record includes a Developer Code key field, and a Developer Name field. From the example above, if you look up the record in SY_Developer.m4t, you would find that Developer Code "088" corresponds to Kissinger Associates, Inc.

Program files added by third-parties:

  • The "..\MAS90\Links" folder (on the server where Sage 100 is installed) may contain third-party program files other than Default.pvc. Any program file in that directory other than Default.pvc indicates existence of third-party program enhancement(s).
    • Note: Not all third-party developers follow this rule. A Sage 100 system with only Default.pvc in the "..\MAS90\Links" folder may still be modified, with third-party developers directly replacing standard Sage 100 program files in other folders/directories. In other words:
      • If the problem no longer occurs after files in the "Links" folder are temporarily removed, then that would prove the issue is due to third-party modification.
      • However, if the problem still occurs after files in the "Links" folder are temporarily removed, that does not prove the issue is not due to third-party modification.
    • Note: Third-party enhancements for Legacy (non-Business Framework) application modules typically do not use the "Links" folder.
  • Standard Sage 100 Business Framework program files typically do not have numbers in their file names. Sometimes third-party developers use numbers in program file names: It could be their developer code, or it could be a catalog or product number (for their software product), etc.
    • If an error message occurs with a program file that is not a standard Sage 100 program file, then it is likely a third-party program issue.
    • The SY_Developer.m4t data file contains a list of records, each with a 3-digit DeveloperCode key, and a second field, DeveloperName. If you have a program with a number in it, that may correspond to the code of the developer.

Note: While the above steps can be used to help determine if third-party enhancements or software are integrated into an existing Sage 100 ERP installation, not all third-party developers or programmers will follow the protocols to add information into these reports. Some may modify only a single standrd Sage 100 program file, or install enhancements without adding any signs of such.

Note: Some third-party enhancements may still show as installed, even after performing an uninstall procedure. Depending on the changes made and the comprehensiveness of an uninstall process, traces of third-party changes may still linger in data fields, records, or system or program files even after third-party products or enhancements have been removed.

DocLink: How to determine the version and product update of Sage 100 installed
DocLink: How to temporarily disable a customized panel that was customized with Custom Office

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