How do I move Accounts Receivable invoices to a history file?



Review these considerations before moving invoices.

  • Create a backup of your company database
  • The invoices must have a status of Paid or Voided, including negative invoices
  • Only move invoices where you've billed retainage, and keep the related invoices together in the same file (current or history)
  • The invoice date must fall between the start and end dates entered in the Move Invoices window
  • When you move invoices, their related payment, adjustment, cash receipt, and deposit entries move, too
  • When moving from current to history, entries move from Activity.ara to History.ara and from to
  • You can also move invoices from history files back to current files, if needed
  • You can view entries moved to the history files by selecting the history files when using inquiries or reports

Review invoices

Review invoices to see what's eligible to move to history.

  1. Go to Accounts Receivable, Reports, Aging and select one of the aging detail reports:
    • Detail by Customer: to see all invoices for a customer
    • Detail by Job: to see results sorted by job
    • Detail by Contract: to see results sorted by contract
  2. In the Data File Selection window, select only the current transaction file to use for the report, and then click OK.
  3. In the Print Selection window:
    1. For Aging as of Date, either enter a specific cut-off date or enter a future date (to see all activity).
    2. Select the Include Retainage Column check box.
    3. Clear the Unpaid Only check box.
    4. Click Ranges and select the customers that you want included in the report.
    5. Click Start to generate the report.
  4. Review the report.
    • Confirm that the cash receipt amounts equal the invoice amounts
    • If the invoices have retainage, the retainage held must be equal to the retainage released before those invoices can move to history

Move invoices

Important: Don't move large chunks of invoices at once as this can take hours to finish. Instead, use ranges to move 10-20 jobs at a time or 10-20 customers at a time. It's best to move invoices only for fully paid jobs so that reports include all the job information. After the move finishes, back up both the activity and current files and both history files before doing the next move.

When making the first move of the year, move one voided invoice with the Move unassociated entries box selected and a large date range. This initial move of unassociated items will take the longest time. Click Ranges and slide the bottom scroll bar to the right to see the last column, and then select a voided invoice for moving. Run an aging report before and after moving to history. Compare the totals to confirm they didn't change.

  1. Make a backup of your company data.
  2. Important: Run an aging report with a future date (such as 12/31/9999) for Aging as of Date. You can compare this report to the report generated after the move (in step 10).
  3. Go to Accounts Receivable, Tools, Move Invoices, Current to History.
  4. If prompted, confirm that you've posted all transactions.
  5. In the Current to History - Print Selection window, enter the Start date and End date for the invoices you want to move. Make the date range large (such as 1/1/1901 - 12/31/9999) to include all paid invoices that fall within those dates.
  6. Select the Move unassociated entries check box to move miscellaneous cash receipts and other transactions that aren't associated with invoices.
  7. Click Ranges to select a group or range of invoices to move. Only invoices with a status of Paid or Voided display in the range of invoices.
    Note: Don't use conditions. This can cause difficulty deciphering the journal to see which invoices didn't move to history.
  8. Click Start to begin the process.
  9. Review the journal to verify the move was successful.
  10. Important: Repeat step 2 and compare the totals from before moving invoices to history. If the totals changed, there's an issue. This requires restoring the backup you made or moving all items back from history and starting over.
  11. Repeat steps 1 - 9 to move another set of fully paid invoices.
  12. Compact your files.


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