How do I issue Payroll checks for a prior year if I have not updated taxes?

This solution applies to you if the Payroll year you need to print checks for is closed and taxes have not yet been updated for the new year.


When you print checks for a year that is closed and new taxes have not been updated, the checks process with the limits for the new year. To process and print a check as though it were issued last year, you must manually change the amounts on the check before you print it and then recalculate subject-to. You need to determine which pay, tax, deduction, and fringe amounts need to appear on the check before you complete this solution. Sage Timberline Office Customer Support cannot assist you to determine these amounts.

To issue a check for a prior year, complete the following:

  1. Verify that you have a current backup of your data folder. If you do not, use File Tools to back up your data folder. For instructions on how to use File Tools, select the link below.
  2. Use Enter Checks to enter the check for last year. For instructions on how to use Enter Checks, select the link below.
    1. Enter and process the check.
    2. Change any pay, tax, deduction, or fringe amounts as needed.
    3. Process the check and verify the totals (Check Info).
    4. Accept the check and exit the Enter Checks task.
  3. Print the check with a Check Date in the previous year.
  4. Post the check.
  5. Recalculate subject-to for the prior year. To recalculate amounts for specific employees, use Ranges. For instructions on how to recalculate subject-to and use ranges for the prior year, select the link below.
  6. Verify the appropriate employees' totals and print reports as necessary.
Steps to duplicate
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