How do I set up MyAssistant email settings? What do the fields mean?

To Change Mail Settings on the Server:

  1. Log onto the server where MyAssistant server was installed as the user that activated the MyAssistant Configuration Manager.
  2. Launch MyAssistant Configuration Manager.
  3. Go to Notification E-Mail Account.

To Change Mail Settings from Designer (Version 20.3.5 and Greater)

  1. Open MyAssistant Designer.
  2. Open File, Options.
  3. On the left go to Server Settings.

Notification E-Mail Account setup:

  • From Name: Enter the name that E-mail messages containing MyAssistant notifications will come from. This name is displayed in the recipient’s Inbox.
  • From E-mail Address: Enter the E-mail address that notification E-mail messages will come from.
  • Outgoing Email Server: Sent E-mail messages are routed through an E-mail server. If using Microsoft Exchange, the Exchange server should be used. If Microsoft Exchange is not being used, the E-mail server is determined by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is usually in the form of smtp.[domain], such as, however, may be different depending on how the mail server was set up. Your IT person or ISP will be able to provide you the correct outgoing mail server name. Sage cannot provide you these settings because it is not up to Sage on how your email server was set up.
  • Outgoing Email Server Port: If there is a specific TCP/IP port other than the default port of 25 being used, the value will be entered here. Otherwise, leave the port number blank. If no port is specified, it uses the default port of 25.
    Note: For mail settings before version 20.3, if there is a specific TCP/IP port other than the default port of 25 being used, the value will be entered in Outgoing Mail Server. Enter the mail server, preceded by a colon and the port number.
    • An example of how to use a specific port is Gmail, which uses a secured SSL port of 587. In this example, you would type the following into the Outgoing Mail Server field, in addition to placing a checkmark next to the Use an SSL / TLS connection setting:
  • Username: Enter the user name to log on to the specified E-mail account. This may or may not be required, depending on how the mail server was set up.
  • Password: Enter the password for the specified E-mail account. This may or may not be required, depending on how the mail server was set up.
    • Note: If your email account requires Two Step Authentication you will need to refer to your mail providers documentation to generate an App Password or other work-a-rounds specified by your mail provider.
  • Use an SSL / TSL Connection: Check the box for if your email server requires a secure connection. If a specific port, such as port 587, is entered in the Outgoing Mail Server field, this option for requiring encrypted SSL should be checked.


See more information about troubleshooting incorrect MyAssistant email settings.

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