How to apply credit memos to Accounts Payable invoices by creating a zero dollar Manual Check

[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Create and update a zero dollar Manual Check.

  1. Open Accounts Payable, Main, Manual Check and Payment Entry.
  2. Enter the bank code.
    Note: A bank code must be entered but does not affect the entry because it does not post to any General Ledger account.
  3. Type APP and a 3-digit number from 001 to 999 in the Check No field
    • Example: APP012
    • Note: Ideally, each subsequent manual application should use the next number in sequence, such as APP013, APP014, etc.
  4. For Check Amount, the value should be zero and cannot be changed.
  5. Click the Header tab, and at the Vendor No field, select the vendor number to apply the credit memo.
  6. Click the Lines tab
  7. On Line 1, at the Invoice No field, select the credit memo to be applied. The credit invoice information appears. (or GL Distribution button for Cash payment)
  8. On Line 2, at the Invoice No field, select the invoice to apply the credit memo. The invoice information appears.
  9. At the Invoice Amount field, change the invoice amount to reflect the positive amount of the credit memo, if necessary.
  10. The check distribution amount should be zero. Click Accept.
  11. Print and update the Manual Check Register.

Note: Though you will be prompted "Do you want to update the Daily Transaction Register," it is unnecessary as this is entry does not affect General Ledger. If you choose to update, you will receive a "data file is empty" message.

Applied debits or credits with zero-dollar balances are purged from the Open Invoice file (and dropped from the A/P Aged Invoice Report) during period end processing after the number of days set in 'Number of Days to Retain Paid Invoices' in Accounts Payable / Setup / Accounts Payable Options.

For example, the Number of days to retain paid invoices is set to 30, and the zero-dollar manual check to balance the debits and credits is dated October 18. Because 30 after October 18 is November 17, the debits and credits are not purged until period end processing is performed for November. The information is purged from the Open Invoice file and subsequently cleared from the report. If the 'Number of days to retain paid invoices' is 60, transactions are purged during December period end processing.

Note: This option can also be used to apply payment from Petty Cash (GL Account) to an AP invoice.

DocLink: How to enter credit and debit memos in Accounts Payable

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