How do I link local taxes in Aatrix?
  1. From the Payroll Tasks menu, select Federal eFile and Reporting.
  2. If prompted, select New Report.
  3. Click Link Aatrix Tax Types.
  4. Click the asterisk button (*) to create a new Aatrix tax group.
  5. Enter a Group ID and Description.
  6. Select a State and Tax Description.
    Note: Only set up one tax group per description. Link all applicable local tax IDs to this group.
  7. Enter your Employer ID for the tax group.
  8. Select the radial button to Sum All Subject-To Amounts or Use Highest Subject-To Amount.
  9. From the list of local taxes, select the taxes that apply to the tax group and click the > button.
    Note: Link all the local tax IDs that apply to this group.
  10. Click Save.
  11. A popup appears to confirm the tax group is configured correctly:
    • Click Yes to confirm it's correct
    • Click No to correct any mistakes in the configuration
    • Click Cancel to remove the changes you made
  12. Repeat steps to add another local tax group.




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