How do I link my Pennsylvania local taxes in Aatrix?
NOTE: If you don't see your specific tax level on the TCD list, This link explains how the PSD codes work. - The first two digits of your PSD number for the given area are the TCD numbers, and can be linked that way.
  1. From the Payroll Tasks menu, select Federal eFile and Reporting.
  2. Click Link Aatrix Tax Types.
  3. Click the asterisk button (*) to create a new Aatrix tax group for the TCD.
  4. Enter a Group ID and Description.
  5. Select PA from the State drop-down list
  6. Select the appropriate TCD code from the Tax Description drop-down.
  7. Enter your Employer ID for the tax group.
  8. Select the radial button to Sum All Subject-To Amounts.
  9. From the list of local taxes, select the PSD taxes that apply to the TCD district and click the button with the ">".
  10. Click Save.
  11. Repeat steps 2-10 until you have set up all applicable TCD groups. 

NOTE:  If you pay your local taxes to one TCD district, setup the appropriate TCD district and make sure that the Aatrix Company setup is correct for that specific TCD.

DocLink: How do I link local taxes in Aatrix?
DocLink: How do I add local taxes to the W-2?
DocLink: Local tax amounts are missing from my Aatrix forms (Tax not linked in Aatrix)

Steps to duplicate
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