Local tax amounts are missing from my Aatrix forms (tax not linked)
  • The tax hasn’t been linked in Aatrix
  • The group was set to inactive by unchecking "Group is active" in the Aatrix Tax Group
  • There are multiple tax links that aren’t valid

Review tax link setup

  1. Go to Payroll, Tasks, Federal eFile and Reporting or State eFile and Reporting.
  2. If prompted, select New Report.
  3. Click Link Aatrix Tax Types.
  4. Click Report.
  5. Choose a solution below based on the report findings.

Create the tax group in Aatrix

Follow the steps to link local taxes in Aatrix.

Activate the tax group

  1. Go to Payroll, Tasks, Federal eFile and Reporting or State eFile and Reporting.
  2. If prompted, select New Report.
  3. Click Link Aatrix Tax Types.
  4. Open the List, and select the tax group.
  5. Check the box Group is Active.
  6. Click Save.

Delete duplicate or invalid tax groups

See steps to remove tax groups in Aatrix.

Steps to duplicate
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