How do I update employee checks if the State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) rate changed, but was not updated in the system?

Change the SUI rate in Tax Rate Setup and enter a manual check for the SUI correction for each affected employee.

Follow the steps below to change the percent and limit amounts for your State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) taxes:

  1. In Payroll select Setup,Taxes, Tax Rates.
  2. Click [List] and then select your SUI Tax ID.
  3. Click [OK] and then press [Tab].
  4. Type the correct information in the Percent and Limit boxes.
  5. Click [Save] and then click [Close].
  6. Run Recalculate Subject to, this will correct the Subject to on each check record and employee record.  (Be sure to clear the totals when running this task.)

Correction Options:

  1. Enter a manual check for the SUI correction for each affected employee. Refer to the linked article "Can I correct my State Unemployment Insurance amount if it calculated with an incorrect rate?" for steps and considerations.
  2. Setup a self adjusting formula for Employer paid Unemployment taxes.  (See linked article.)
  3. Make the correction in General Ledger using Record Entries, if this is an Employer Paid Unemployment tax.

DocLink: Correcting Federal or State Unemployment Insurance amount

Steps to duplicate
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