How do I archive my Inventory data?
The option "Transfer only closed Jobs" if left uncheck will move transactions for open jobs to history.
[BCB:1:Backup warning:ECB]

When you move inventory transactions to a history file, the data moves from the current data files to archive files within the same purchasing and inventory data folder. This helps with the speed of inquiries, reports and processing. How often you perform the move option depends on how much data your company processes and how long orders are outstanding in the system. At a minimum, you would want to move transactions at least once a year.

Purchasing and Inventory data is stored in a separate data folder, which is found in the accounting data folder. For example:

  • for version 9.5.x and later, \\%ServerName%\Timberline Office\9.5\Accounting\[your Company folder]\POIVData.
  • for versions 9.2.0 9.4.x CD: X:\Timberline Office\Accounting\[Accounting Data Folder]\POIVData.

You can move job issues, stock issues, transfers, receipts, sales from billing, and physical adjustments from the current data file to a separate history data file.

Consider the following information before you move inventory transactions to history:

  • You can only move inventory transactions to history if they were sent to Job Cost by the Send Inventory Cost to Job Cost task.
  • All operators must exit before you move data.
  • Create a backup of your files before you move jobs, commitments, or transactions.
  • Unlike move options in the Purchasing application, you cannot preview the inventory transactions that will move before you move them.
  • There are currently no reports on the Reports menu to print historical transactions. However, you can click on the attached file to download a report that prints the transactions in the historical file by transaction type. This will be available in a future release of the software. For information on how to add a report to the Reports menu, select the link below.
    Note: You must upgrade this Crystal report design for use with the current Sage Timberline Office release.
  • You can view historical data for Inventory items on an inquiry (Inquiry, Items, History Transactions).
  • If you need custom reports from the historical inventory data, use the Ictrnhst.dat table which contains the Inventory transaction history or contact your business partner.

Follow the steps below to move Inventory transactions to history:

  1. Back up your Purchasing and Inventory data.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Move Data,  Move IC Transactions to History.
  3. Type a date in the Move Cutoff date box to limit which transactions move. This date is compared to the transaction date on the entry.
  4. Select the jobs to move to history.
    • Click Select Jobs to open the Job List window. (To select multiple non-adjacent lines, hold the CTRL key down as you select the desired jobs.) Click OK. Select any other transactions that you want to move to history.
  5. Click Start and then click Finish.
DocLink: How do I use File Tools to back up data files?
DocLink: How do I save, add, and print a report design?
DocLink: How do I archive my data?
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