Register Balance Adjusted for Future Period Voids incorrect on Bank Reconciliation report

The future period void balance on the Bank Reconciliation report in Cash Management shows the wrong amount. The amount calculates incorrectly because voided checks are open with void dates on or before the bank statement date.


The Register Balance Adjusted for Future Period Voids uses a formula that includes all outstanding voids regardless of the void date. It should only include the voided amounts with a void date after the Statement Date.


Choose an option below to correct the report balance.

Reconcile the void transactions

Reconcile voided transactions using a Cleared date in the same month as the Void date.

As best practice, when reconciling your bank statements, be sure to reconcile any checks voided in that statement period.

Modify the formula

As a temporary workaround, you can modify the Register Balance Adjusted for Future Period Voids total on the Bank Reconciliation report as follows:

  1. In Report Designer, from the File menu, select Open Design.
  2. Browse to and select the CM Bank Reconciliation.rpt.
  3. From the Tools menu, select Formulas.
  4. Select TTL-Voided Amount.
  5. Click Change and enter the formula as follows:
    • ASUM(Bank Account [CM Transaction], IF(Void Date [CM Transaction] > Statement Date [Prompt Field], Voided Amount [CM Transaction]))
  6. Click OK then Close.
  7. Select File, Save Design As, enter a modified name (for example: CM Bank Reconciliation_fix future voids.rpt)
  8. Using Reports Manager in Cash Management, you can either add this report or change the existing menu to use this modified report.

The future period voids total now balances with the General Ledger cash account total for the same period end date as the statement date. The Register Balance as of Statement Date total doesn't change.


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Steps to duplicate
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