Why are there Payroll credit entries in wrong General Ledger account?
  1. From the Payroll Reports menu, select Reconciliation, Deductions by Credit Account.

  2. Click Conditions, then click Add, then from the Field list select Liability Account, for the Operator select Equal To, and enter your suspense account number in the Value field.
    Note: If checks are in the Payroll New file, delete the accounting date conditions.

  3. Review the report for entries to the wrong account. If you do not find the entries on this report, repeat steps 1 and 2 using the Fringes by Credit Account and the Taxes by Credit Account reports.

Determine if you are set to retrieve prefixes for your GL Accounts:

  1. From the Payroll File menu, select Company Settings, PR Settings.
  2. Click GL Entry Settings and note the check box for Retrieve prefixes.

Use the links below to determine the source of the liability account.

A credit from Payroll going to the wrong account in General Ledger (retrieving prefixes and the credit is for a Payroll Tax)
A credit from Payroll is going to the wrong account in General Ledger (not Retrieving prefixes and the credit is for a Payroll tax)
A credit from Payroll going to a suspense account in General Ledger (retrieving prefixes and the credit is for a Payroll deduction or fringe)
A credit from Payroll going to a suspense account in General Ledger (Not retrieving prefixes and the credit is for a Payroll deduction or fringe)
Payroll posted to the suspense account or wrong account in General Ledger

Steps to duplicate
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