Time Off does not calculate or accrue in Payroll

Assign the Time Off Code to the Employee:

  1. Open Modules, Payroll, Main, Employee Maintenance.
  2. Click the Lookup button to open the Employee Number List window. Select an employee from the list and click the Select button.
  3. In the P/R Employee Maintenance window, click the Benefits tab. Click the Lookup button to open the Time Off Code window. Select a Time Off code from the list and click the Select button.
  4. Click the Accept button.
  5. Ensure Eligibility Date is populated and correct.

Re-Apply the Time Off Code:

  1. Open Modules, Payroll, Setup, Time Off Maintenance.
  2. Click the Lookup button to open the Time Off Code List window. Select a benefit code from the list and click the Select button.
  3. Click the Apply button.
  4. Make Selections by Employee Number and/or Time off Eligibility Date.
  5. Click the Proceed button.

Verify the Earnings Code is set to accrue:

  1. Open Modules, Payroll, Setup, Earnings Code Maintenance.
  2. Click the Lookup button to open the Earnings List window. Select an earnings code from the list and click the Select button.
  3. In the Time Off Types to Accrue area, select the Time Off 1, Time Off 2, Time Off 3 Descriptions user-defined in Setup, Payroll Options, Time Off tab.
  4. Click the Accept button.


Additional information

Time Off does not accrue during Payroll Data Entry if the time off hours are equal to the annual limit, even if the employee has taken Time Off hours on the same Payroll run. Time Off amounts accrue only if the employee is under the annual limit during Payroll data entry.

Manually increase the amount after running payroll.

  1. Open Payroll, Main, Employee Maintenance, and select the employee.
  2. Click Benefits tab.
  3. Click the applicable Time Off type.
  4. Enter the desired value in the Hours Accrued field.
  5. Click Accept to save the employee record


NOTE: Make sure the Vacation Earnings Code is set to VACATION and not REGULAR Earnings.

If the employee has already reached the annual limit benefits will not accrue any longer.

  1. Open Modules, Payroll, Main, Employee Maintenance.
  2. Click the Lookup button to open the Employee Number List window. Select an employee from the list and click the Select button.
  3. Click on the Benefits tab.
  4. Look in Hours Accrued field and compare to Annual Limit.
  5. Look in Payroll Options to determine Base Benefit Availability, Hours to Use for Benefit Limit fields to determine calculations used (see related articles below)

Vacation does not deduct hours used

1. Go to Payroll, Setup, Earnings Code Maintenance and select the vacation earnings code used.

2. Verify that the earnings type is set to "Vacation" and not "Regular"

DocLink: How to set up and apply changes to Time Off Codes Payroll 2.x and higher
DocLink: How does the Time Off Accrual Report calculate hours available
DocLink: How to Setup Earnings Codes

Steps to duplicate
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