| Aatrix prompts for registration code |
Cause | - A firewall or antivirus watchdog application is preventing Sage 100 Contractor from accessing Aatrix registration information
- Your Aatrix registration has expired
Resolution | - Close Sage 100 Contractor.
- Ensure you’re logged into the computer as a Local Computer Administrator.
- Open Windows Control Panel, User Accounts, Change User Account Control Settings. Set to Never notify.
- Temporarily disable any antivirus software.
- Click OK. Restart the computer.
- Using your internet browser go to https://partner.aatrix.com/sage-100-contractor/#updates
- Click the green Sage 100 Contractor button under Product Updates.
- The file downloads and then asks you to Run or Save. If so, choose Save.
- Browse to the location of the saved file (normally your Downloads folder). Right-click on the file named SMB.exe and choose Run as administrator.
- Click Next and choose the Modified radio button. Click Next, Next, Install, Finish
- If you don’t see the Modified radio button, click Next and Finish. Run the SMB.exe file again. Click Next and choose Modify, Next, Next, Install, Finish.
- Running this file updates Aatrix only.
- Reactivate your antivirus software and Windows User Account Control settings.
- Right-click the Sage 100 Contractor icon and select Run as administrator.
- Connect to your company and generate your forms.
- If you continue encountering issues, please refer to https://secureupdates.aatrix.com and collaborate with your IT specialist to allow Aatrix automatic updates to proceed smoothly.