Aatrix prompts for registration code
  • A firewall or antivirus watchdog application is preventing Sage 100 Contractor from accessing Aatrix registration information
  • Your Aatrix registration has expired
  1. Close Sage 100 Contractor.
  2. Ensure you’re logged into the computer as a Local Computer Administrator.
  3. Open Windows Control Panel, User Accounts, Change User Account Control Settings. Set to Never notify.
  4. Temporarily disable any antivirus software.
  5. Click OK. Restart the computer.
  6. Using your internet browser go to https://partner.aatrix.com/sage-100-contractor/#updates
  7. Click the green Sage 100 Contractor button under Product Updates.
  8. The file downloads and then asks you to Run or Save. If so, choose Save.
  9. Browse to the location of the saved file (normally your Downloads folder). Right-click on the file named SMB.exe and choose Run as administrator.
  10. Click Next and choose the Modified radio button. Click NextNextInstallFinish
  11. If you don’t see the Modified radio button, click Next and Finish.  Run the SMB.exe file again. Click Next and choose ModifyNextNextInstallFinish.
  12. Running this file updates Aatrix only.
  13. Reactivate your antivirus software and Windows User Account Control settings.
  14. Right-click the Sage 100 Contractor icon and select Run as administrator.
  15. Connect to your company and generate your forms.
  16. If you continue encountering issues, please refer to https://secureupdates.aatrix.com and collaborate with your IT specialist to allow Aatrix automatic updates to proceed smoothly.

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