How to add, delete, change and reprint 1099 forms
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Important Note: You must be in the applicable Company Code where 1099s were originally printed/eFiled from.

If you are reprinting or correcting a form from a tax year prior to the last form filed, you will most likely need to contact Aatrix to provide you with the older form.

You can access 1099 History by either of the following options:

Option #1:

  1. Open Accounts Payable, Reports, Form 1099 eFiling and Reporting
  2. Select New
  3. Form type, choose the type of 1099 form that you need to correct (Misc, NEC, Div or Int)
  4. Verify Tax Year is correct
  5. Click Accept
  6. If applicable, click Continue to the following warning message: "The selected reporting period is for year xxxx, but this for is for year xxxx. If you continue, your reports may be inaccurate. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Option #2:

  1. Open Accounts Payable, Reports, Form 1099 eFiling and Reporting
  2. Select History from drop down list
  3. Click Accept
  4. Select the checkbox next to the applicable 1099 filing and click Edit button

Note: The 1099 History File Options screen appears after at least one portion of the 1099 filing has been processed. The Last Completed Actions table displays the last action and date the action was performed for each 1099 copy type. Each time an action is completed in the 1099 Wizard, the program will return to the History File Options screen.

To Reprint Completed 1099s:

This action allows reprinting of 1099s that have already been completed using the 1099 Wizard. For example, if 1099s were delivered to the recipients, and one of the recipients lost their copy, use the Reprint Completed 1099s option to print an extra copy. After 1099s have been processed, when entering the 1099 Wizard, the 1099 History File Options dialog will pop up.

  1. Select the first radio button Reprint Completed 1099s. Make sure the radio button is selected and click the Next button at the bottom of the dialog
  2. After clicking Next, Reprint Options will display. Since 1099 types can only be reprinted after already being processed, some options will not be available.
  3. Reprint multiple 1099 types at one time by simply checking the box beside each type to reprint.

eFile or Print Incomplete 1099s:

This action allows filing of additional 1099 copies that have not been processed. For example, the recipient copies have been printed from the 1099 Wizard, but now you want to eFile the federal and state copies. Note: Using the eFile or Print Incomplete 1099s action does not allow corrections to be made. The additional 1099 copies filed will use the exact same data from the previous 1099 filing. If needing to change the information before sending the additional filings, use the Correct Complete 1099s action from the 1099 History File Options screen first.

  1. Select the eFile or Print Incomplete 1099s within the History File Options screen, then click Next
  2. The Filing Options Screen will appear
  3. Select how to process the additional filings
  4. Select the state (if applicable) for which 1099s to process
  5. Review the action list
  6. The FormsViewer displays the forms that will be printed or eFiled based on the processing options

Note: Available options on the Printing and Filing Options screen will be limited based on copies that have already been processed.

What to do with the vendor who received 2 - 1099s one with the correct EIN and the other with incorrect EIN.

In the 1099 grid, you have the following 2 choices:

1. Add amount(s) from bad EIN vendor into the good EIN vendor line

2. Delete the bad EIN vendor line (right click on row number and select Delete)

    • This way 2 corrected 1099s will be sent to recipients (one with combined amounts and the other with zero dollars with bad EIN, the total recipient count in the grid will be one less but the total number of 1099s processed will include the one you deleted because a corrected one will need to be sent to recipient)


1. Change the EIN on the bad EIN vendor and leave as is.

    • This way only 1 corrected 1099 form will be sent. You are allowed to file multiple 1099s for same EIN recipients.

Correct Completed 1099s:

This action allows corrections to 1099 copies that have previously been processed. When selecting the Correct Completed 1099s action, the 1099 Preparer will appear to make changes to the data. Using the last action information, the 1099 Wizard will determine what needs to be done with the corrections made in the 1099 Preparer. For example, if the Federal 1099 copies have been eFiled and the eFile Center has submitted the Federal 1099 copies to the agency, the FormsViewer will display the Federal 1099 corrected copies that you will need to print out and mail to the Federal agency. Note: Aatrix does not support state corrections at this time. State 1099s may be printed through the software, but any reconciliation reports will not be provided.

To make corrections to 1099s that have already been eFiled or mailed or to add/delete 1099s from your filing that have already been eFiled or mailed, do the following:

  1. Click on Correct Completed 1099s and click Next
    • In the W2/1099 Preparer window, make the necessary changes to the 1099's Recipient's. All cells that are changed will have Blue text and the row number will be indicated in Green for each vendor that you change, click next step once done making your corrections.
  2. Add a 1099 recipient - right click in the numbered colum and select Insert to insert a row, select the number of rows to insert (1 row for each vendor you need to add) then enter all applicable information
  3. Delete a 1099 recipient - you can either right click on the numbered row and select Delete or manually zero out any dollar amounts in applicable boxes
    • Note: Any changes made in the above step will create a 1099 with the "Corrected" box checked.
  4. Click Next Step when all applicable changes have been made
  5. The wizard will prompt you to verify the FEIN, Name and Address, Federal and State Tax Withheld and Filing State is correct.
  6. If you have previously printed any of your 1099 filings a Correction Options dialog box will open prompting if you have mailed your copies: Answer yes or no to the questions.
  7. Do you want to print Divider sheets? Answer yes or no based on your preferences and click "next"
  8. If you want to print a copy of "Actions that will be taken", do so at this time by clicking "Print" button and click "next".
  9. The wizard will prompt you to print and review all your forms.Click Print and click next at each prompt after reviewing each form.
  10. Once you have printed or reviewed all your forms in the FormsViewer, if you need to eFile your corrections you will be required to go through the eFile wizard again with your eFile user name and password.
  11. Once done it will take you back to the 1099 Wizard window, which can be closed if you are done.

For more details, please access Help from with Aatrix program, on the Contents tab, expand 1099 Wizard and select 1099 History Options

[BCB:155:Chat 100 US:ECB]

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