How can I find the accounts that are missing from my financial statements?
  • Tip: If you know the amount that is missing, for example the Balance Sheet or Trial Balance is out of balance by a certain amount, you can run the YTD Ledger (General Ledger Reports, YTD Ledger). Select Modify date range and enter the same period as the financial statement. If the financial statement is for a specific prefix, use Conditions to add a condition for the prefix. Preview the report and check for accounts with an ending balance that make up the amount that is missing on the financial statement.
  1. Print a Base Account list:
    1. In General Ledger from the Reports menu, select Lists, Base Accounts.
    2. Print this report.
  2. Print the statement design details:
    1. In Financial Statement Designer (FS) from the File menu, select Print, Statement Design.
    2. Select the design that is missing accounts and click Open.
    3. Print this report and note the following.
      • Each Amount Instruction line that has GL accounts assigned will specify the account range(s) under Amount Instruction Account Ranges.
      • If an accumulator is being used, note the accumulator name assigned to the Amount Instruction line.
    4. Compare the accounts assigned to the design with the Base Account list and note any accounts that are not included but should be included in that design.
    5. If an accumulator is being used on the design as noted in step 3:
      1. In Financial Statement Designer from the Tools menu, select Accumulators.
      2. From the Accumulator drop down list, select the accumulator identified in the design.
      3. Review the accounts ranges and compare with the Base Account list. Note any accounts that are not included but should be included in the accumulator.
  3. Make corrections to the Amount Instruction lines and Accumulators as needed. See article 17041 "DocLink: How do I add new accounts to a financial statement design?" for more information.
DocLink: How do I add new accounts to a financial statement design?
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