How do I add new accounts to a financial statement design?


If your new account is not included in an existing account range, you can either recreate the default designs or you can manually edit your custom design. 

  •  If you use the default financial statement designs, use Option 1
  • If you have customized the default designs, or if you have custom financial statement designs, use Option 2

Option 1: Update the default financial statements

WARNING: Recreating the default financial statements overwrites any customizations to the default designs. Make a copy of your designs by saving the design with a new name before following the steps to recreate the designs.

The default financial statement design names are BalSAccr, BalSCash, CompAccr, CompCash, IncSAccr, IncSCash, TBalAccr, and TBalCash.

  1. In Financial Statement Designer, click File, Open and select a design.
  2. Click File, Save As and enter a new name.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each design that needs updating.
  4. In Financial Statement Designer, from File, select Create.
  5. Click Yes on each message for the designs you are updating and the canned net accumulator. Click Cancel for the designs you aren't updating or designs you didn't make a backup for.
  6. Close all open financial statement design windows.
  7. Exit Financial Statement Designer.


Option 2: Update your customized financial statement designs and your net income accumulator.
*Note: For help locating missing accounts, see How can I find the accounts that are missing from my financial statements?.

  1. In Financial Statement Designer, click File, Open and select a design.
  2. Click File, Save As and enter a new name.
  3. In Financial Statement Designer, click File, Open.
  4. Select the design with missing account(s), click Open.
  5. If you are adding the account(s) to an existing instruction line:
    1. Double-click the amount options instruction line (the line with green 9999s) where you should add the account(s).
    2. In the Amount Options window, type the new account in the grid.
      You may add the account to a new row in the From Account and To Account columns.
      • If you are adding a single account, enter the same account in the From Account and To Account.
      • If you are adding a range of consecutive accounts, enter the range.
    3. Click Save then Close.
  6. If you are adding the account(s) to a separate instruction line:
    1. Place the cursor on the row where you should add the new instruction line.
    2. From the Design menu, select Insert, Amount.
    3. In the Amount Options window, enter the account(s) in the grid in the From Account and To Account columns.
      • If you are adding inconsecutive accounts, enter the ranges on additional rows in the grid.
      • If you are adding a single account, enter the same account in the From Account and To Account.
    4. Click Save then Close.
  7. If you created a new amount options instruction line, you must add that line to the relevant total line.
  8. From File, select Save.
    • Note: If you attempt to print the report before saving, it will use the old design.
  9. Update accumulators as needed:
    • If the new account is an Income, Cost, Expense, or Other Income account and you use the Default Net Income - Accrual accumulator or the Default Net Income - Cash accumulator:
      1. From File, select Create.
      2. Click Yes on The accumulator Default Net Income - [Accrual/Cash] already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Cancel will stop creation of default statements.
      3. Click Cancel on remaining messages.
    • If you use a custom accumulator:
    1. From Tools, select Accumulators.
    2. Select the accumulator from the Accumulator Name list.
    3. Adjust the account ranges to include the new account.
      • If you add a new row, select the relevant +/- sign and Field.
    4. Click Save then Close.

Note: If the net income on your balance sheet is doesn’t match the net income on your income statement, see The net income on my balance sheet does not match the net income on my income statement (net income ....


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