| How do I close my contract? |
Resolution |
- From the File menu, select Open Contract.
- Select the type of contract as Active.
- Select the contract from the list or type the ID of the contract.
- Click OK.
- Select the appropriate status for the contract, Closed or Paid in Full.
- Contracts should be marked closed only when the receivable balance equals the billed balance.
- The receivables amount includes cash receipts and receivable adjustments. The billed amount includes total billed, total tax billed, add-ons billed, and deductions billed. To verify, go to Inquiry, Contract/Item Inquiries, Derived totals, select active, OK, active OK. Review the receivable and billed columns to verify that they equal. In addition, the retainage receivable balance must be zero.
- In addition, when running the Aging Detail by Customer with a condition for the contract, the report should return all zeros without any invoices showing. If negative and positive invoices show, those must be cleared in Accounts Receivable prior to closing the contract.
- If you need to close multiple contracts you can use ODBC to access the ODBC replaceable field CN - Contract Status, if you have security access and know how to use a third party application to do so. Change it to 4 for Closed or 5 for Paid in Full.
DocLink: How do I archive my contracts to a history file?