How do I correct state unemployment tax that calculated for the wrong state?
Calculated SUI in the wrong state.

If the work state is wrong on the Payroll time entries, void an reissue the checks. For more information, see article DocLink: How do I correct taxes issued to the wrong state, local or province on a printed or posted check?.

If the work state is correct but the tax is wrong because reciprocity was not set up correctly, correct the reciprocity setup and then continue with the steps below. For more information on reciprocity, see DocLink: How do I set up tax reciprocity between two states?.

Recalculate subject-to:

  1. Recalculate subject to for only the effected employees. To do that follow article DocLink: How do I recalculate subject-to for the current year?

Find the tax amount:

  1. Download and install the report attached at the bottom of this article. For directions on installing a report, follow DocLink: How do I save, add, and print a report design?
  2. To find the total tax amount calculated in the wrong state, run the report with the incorrect state & tax rate. You can find the amount under the "Difference" column, and it will list the total by each employee.
  3. Run the same report for the correct state & tax rate to find the total tax amount that should have calculated for this state.

Enter a correction check:

  1. Go to Tasks, Enter Checks.
  2. Choose the View and Period Begin Date.
  3. Enter the Employee, Period End Date, and tab into the check.
  4. Click on Tax and then click Emplr Tax.
  5. Click into the Emplr Tax box in the bottom left.
  6. Click List and choose the Tax ID that was incorrectly calculated.
  7. List the amount that you found on the first SUI report as a negative.
  8. In a new line, click List and choose the Tax ID for the correct state.
  9. List the amount that you found on the second SUI report as a positive.
  10. Click Process, and be sure to uncheck all Calculation Frequency check boxes.
  11. Click Manual, and enter a check number and check date.
  12. Click Accept Check.
  13. Repeat for each employee that needs to be corrected, and then click Finish.
  14. Go to Tasks, Post Checks. Post the check(s) you just entered.
DocLink: How do I save, add, and print a report design?
DocLink: How do I set up tax reciprocity between two states?
DocLink: How do I correct taxes issued to the wrong state, local or province on a printed or posted check?
DocLink: How do I recalculate subject-to for the current year?
Attachment: 226_20230425123021_sui_tax_calculation_report.rpt
Defect ID
Steps to duplicate
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