ACA Payroll Visual Integrator sample jobs are located in the following folder
- ..\MAS90\PR\PayrollACAMaintenanceImports.exp
Perform the following steps to import the sample import jobs into your system:
- Open Visual Integrator, Main, Job Import
- Browse to the ..\MAS90\PR folder and select Payroll ACA MaintenanceImports.exp file
- Click Select All
- Click Accept
These import jobs are designed to work with the ACA Reporting worksheet (see related article below). Please follow instructions exactly that are included in the worksheet.
There are 4 sample imports available:
- Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployee
- Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployee will populate ACA Employee Maintenance
- Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployeeMonthlyDtl
- Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployeeMonthlyDtl will populate ACA Employee Monthly Detail
- Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployeeCoveredInd
- Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployeeCoveredInd will populate ACA Employee Covered Individuals
- Designed to import into table PR_EmployeeTaxFilingStatus
- Importing into the table PR_EmployeeTaxFilingStatus will populate the fields in Employee Maintenance Taxes tab
- The provided sample VI Job PR_ACAEMP4 is designed to populate the 1095 Consent field for the FEDERAL Tax Group
These import jobs will allow importing of the following information:
Provided Self Insured Coverage acknowledgement
Employee and covered individuals details (name, SS# and DOB)
Employee monthly detail for Offer of Coverage, Low Cost Share and Safe Harbor Codes
Employee electronic consent acknowledgement