Where are the sample ACA Visual Integrator jobs located

ACA Reporting Worksheet for Sage 100 ERP

We have spoken to many customers with 1,000+ employees who have requested the ability to get started on entering the employee information needed for ACA reporting. This worksheet is intended for that purpose.

For the vast majority of customers, we recommend waiting for the release of the product update with the new ACA enhancements for the Payroll module. The functionality provided in these enhancements will streamline data entry.

See knowledgebase article How does Sage 100 support the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and How do I setup Sage 100 to support Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements under Related Resources for more details

ACA Payroll Visual Integrator sample jobs are located in the following folder

  • ..\MAS90\PR\PayrollACAMaintenanceImports.exp

Perform the following steps to import the sample import jobs into your system:

  1. Open Visual Integrator, Main, Job Import
  2. Browse to the ..\MAS90\PR folder and select Payroll ACA MaintenanceImports.exp file
  3. Click Select All
  4. Click Accept

These import jobs are designed to work with the ACA Reporting worksheet (see related article below). Please follow instructions exactly that are included in the worksheet.

There are 4 sample imports available:

    • Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployee
    • Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployee will populate ACA Employee Maintenance
    • Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployeeMonthlyDtl
    • Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployeeMonthlyDtl will populate ACA Employee Monthly Detail
    • Designed to import into table PR_ACAEmployeeCoveredInd
    • Importing into the table PR_ACAEmployeeCoveredInd will populate ACA Employee Covered Individuals
    • Designed to import into table PR_EmployeeTaxFilingStatus
    • Importing into the table PR_EmployeeTaxFilingStatus will populate the fields in Employee Maintenance Taxes tab
    • The provided sample VI Job PR_ACAEMP4 is designed to populate the 1095 Consent field for the FEDERAL Tax Group

These import jobs will allow importing of the following information:

  • Provided Self Insured Coverage acknowledgement
  • Employee and covered individuals details (name, SS# and DOB)
  • Employee monthly detail for Offer of Coverage, Low Cost Share and Safe Harbor Codes
  • Employee electronic consent acknowledgement

DocLink: How does Sage 100 support the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
DocLink: How do I setup Sage 100 to support Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements
DocLink: How to copy Employee ACA data from one tax year to the next tax year

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