Where are attachments located, is it too large or how to decrease the attachments folder size?

In Sage 100 Contractor SQL

  • From the server machine, the default location for attachments will be [Installation Drive]:\Sage100Con\Company\[CompanyName]\Files\Attachments\.
  • Inside the Attachments folder resides a folder for each program module that contains an attachment. For example, Vendors, AP invoices, Jobs, AR invoices, etc.

In Sage 100 Contractor version 19.8 and earlier

  • The default location for attachments will be [Installation Drive]:\MB7\(CompanyName)\Attachments
  • Important: If the Protect this file from being changed box is not selected on the Add Attachment window, the attachment will remain in its original directory location and a copy of the file will not be saved into the company database directory.

NOTE: If the attached file name or the path to the file is changed after the file is saved to a record, Sage 100 Contractor will no longer be able to locate the file (attachment). See article Error: File Not Found when viewing attachments in the Related Resources area below.


How to check it?

From the server machine, using the locations above for your release, do Right Click, Properties on the attachments folder itself, to see the size.

Is the size too large?

The server controls whether an attachments folder being too large is a problem or not, for that server. It is whether that server can handle it. There is no number mark where this is decided it is too large.

You can help find large files in ANY folder by using Windows Explorer, searching for any size:

For example, Looking for any files over 19MB, Go to the folder in question (Step 1), our example is a database called sample 100con in the Files folder. Using the Search in the upper right corner, you would type size:>19MB to show all items bigger than 19MB. In our second example we looked for large files in the same database but in the Attachments folder. We changed the size search to be size:>100MB

In both of these examples you can see the Results in one column and the Location of the found item in the other column. Looks like a setup.exe was found in the first example and a backup zip file was found in the second example. Neither items should be stored in these locations.

How to decrease attachments folder size?

The attachments folder size can only be decreased by either removing the attached file inside the program the same way you accessed putting it in OR archiving out a fiscal year that will take the attachments for that archiving year out with it.

DocLink: Error: File Not Found when viewing attachments

[BCB:154:Chat 100 Contractor US:ECB]

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