How to delete or disable a Service that is no longer in use
[BCB:4:Operating system warning:ECB]
[BCB:5:Third-party support:ECB]

Note: Rather than Delete a Service, it is preferable to Disable a Service instead, in case it is needed again in the future. However, at times deletion may be needed, such as for an obsolete Service, or for a Service that will be reinstalled.

To Disable a Service:

  1. At the Windows machine, open Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services
  2. Right-click the specific Service
  3. Select Properties
  4. Access the General tab
  5. Set the Startup Type to Disabled
  6. Click OK

Delete a Service:

Warning: DO NOT DELETE a Service unless it is truly not needed.

  1. Obtain the exact name of the Service (instructions may vary with operating system):
    1. At the Windows server, open Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services
    2. Right-click the specific Service
    3. Select Properties
    4. On the General tab, note the Service Name
  2. At the Windows server, open an Administrator command prompt (instructions may vary with operating system):
    1. Open Start
    2. Type the following command in the Search programs and files box:
      • CMD
    3. Press the Ctrl, Shift, and Enter keys at the same time
    4. This should open an Administrator Command Prompt window
  3. Enter the following command to delete the Service:
    • SC DELETE "service name"
      • Service name examples: "Sage 100c Advanced 2018 (9997)" or "Sage 100cloud Premium 2019 (10000)"
  4. Press the Enter key to execute the command.
  5. Receive the following message if successful:
    • [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
  6. Enter the following command to exit the Command Prompt:
    • EXIT

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