How to change the port number or Port ID for Sage 100 Advanced or Premium editions

Note: The Port is listed as Socket in Application Server Configuration. The default port is 10000. Valid ports are 9000-10000.

For the Sage 100 Advanced or Premium Server

  1. Have all users exit Sage 100
  2. Stop the Application Server Service or Application
  3. At the server where Sage 100 is installed, open Application Server Configuration
  4. Select Server tab
  5. Change the Socket to the desired port (socket) number
  6. Click Apply

Note: If the port number is changed and the Application Server is being run as a Service. The service must uninstalled and reinstalled to use the new port. Run the Uninstall Application Server Service and Application Server Services setup from the server. For more information, see the Related Resources section.

For All Workstation Clients

Do either of the following:

  • Uninstall and then reinstall Workstation Setup, making sure to enter the new port number when prompted
  • Modify the Sage 100 shortcut icon's properties and the SOTA.INI file
    1. Right click and select Properties on the Sage 100 ERP workstation client icon
    2. Change the port in the Target and click Apply. (It should be listed after the Server Name or IP address.)
      • Example: "C:\Sage\Sage 100 Workstation\MAS90\Home\pvxwin32.exe ../launcher/sota.ini *Client -ARG "servername" "10000" "Sage 100"
    3. Click Open File Location. This will open Windows Explorer in the Home folder where the client installation is located.
    4. Go back one folder to locate the Launcher folder
    5. Open Sota.ini
    6. Locate [Servers] section which is near the bottom
    7. Change the port which is listed just after the Server Name or IP Address.
      • Example: 1=servername;10000;APS=SAGE;APPLICATION=Sage 100;Path="..\MAS90\"
    8. Save file and close.

DocLink: How to delete or disable a Service that is no longer in use
DocLink: How to find the server name and port number or Port ID in use by Sage 100 Advanced or Premium
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