How to correct my SUI calculations after the SUI rate is changed

If you need to change the SUI rate after the beginning of the year:

  1.  Enter the correct rate in PR, Taxes Activate States.
  2. Run the Payroll Verification Report from PR, Utilities, Print Payroll Verification Report to determine inconsistencies in the SUI calculations already performed. To determine if anyone has reached the limit (in PR, Taxes, Maintain Tax Tables, Allowances, Limits and Rates) calculate (Limit x SUI rate). Any employee who has reached this figure or higher will NOT self-adjust.
  3. See the section “How to correct the SUI calculations” to determine which of the scenarios below applies to your company.

IMPORTANT: After changing the SUI rate, the system will try to self-adjust during the calculation process on future payroll checks. However, it is important to note that SUI will only use the self-adjust feature if: 1) employee is active; 2) the employee will have additional payroll checks to be processed in the future, or 3) the employee's Company SUI YTD amount (in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Total) is less than the new SUI rate x the sui limit. (This is the maximum amount of SUI that should be calculated for the employee).

NOTES ON LIMITS: If the employee’s total wages have reached the state limit for sui but their amount for Company SUI YTD is less than the (state SUI limit x the new sui rate), the system will try to self-adjust when calculating future payroll checks. The system uses the employee’s Company SUI YTD amount from PR, Employees, Maintain Employee, Totals… to determine if additional taxes will need to be adjusted. For additional information how the system self-adjusts, see How percentage-based taxes are calculated

  • If the state limit for SUI x the new SUI rate is greater than the employee’s Company SUI YTD amount in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Totals, the system will attempt to self-adjust on future checks. See Scenarios 1 or 3 below.
  • If the state limit for SUI x the new SUI rate is less than the employee’s Company SUI YTD amount in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Totals, the employee has exceeded the limit and system will not self-adjust on future checks. See Scenarios 2 or 4 below
There are different scenarios on how to correct the SUI calculations depending if the issue was caught while still in the first quarter or if the employee has reached the SUI limit based on the employee's Company SUI YTD amount (in PR, Employees, Maintain Employees, Totals).

Click on the Scenario below that best fits your specific issue.





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