Error: "Payroll Expiration Date is Invalid. Your payroll subscription will expire in xx days."

Verify your Payroll subscription expiration date by doing the following:

  1. Open Library Master, Setup, System Configuration
  2. On the Modules tab, make note of the Payroll Subscription Expiration Date
    • Verify your payroll subscription plan is active and note end date on your portal account.
    • If your payroll subscription plan has expired, please contact Sage Sales Advisor at 1-888-721-8989
    • If you recently purchased or renewed your Payroll Subscription plan and the expiration date is not reflecting the new date, click on the Registration tab and click the Update button and verify the expiration date now displays the correct date
    • If the Payroll Subscription Expiration date is still not displaying the correct date, please contact Sage Sales Advisor at 1-888-721-8989

DocLink: Error: "Your payroll subscription has expired you can continue processing payroll for 45 days. Please contact Sage before xx/xx/xxxx to renew your subscription"
DocLink: Error: "Set module failed, Error not set"

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