Option 1: Delete Damaged Registry Subkey
- Delete Registry Subkey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sage Software\BIE Explorer\Explorer)
- Check the Views location in Business Insights registry keys:
- Check the ViewsPath value under the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sage Software\BIE Explorer\Products\MAS90
Option 2: Recreate the "Sage 100" Folder
- Via File Explorer (Windows Explorer), browse to the Workstation user's "Documents" folder (or "My Documents" on older workstatations such as the retired Windows 7 operating system)
- Note: For example, "C:\Users\ \Documents"
- Rename the "Sage 100" folder
- Example: Rename to "xSage 100"
- Log in to Sage 100
- Select Standard Mode when prompted to select a view.
- Note: A new "Sage 100" folder will be created in the Workstation user's "My Documents" folder
- Open Business Insights, Explorer menu, Views and make sure they are now working
- Log out of Sage 100
- If favorites were created (existed prior):
- Via File Explorer (Windows Explorer), access the renamed ("xSage 100") folder
- Copy the favorites.json file to the newly created "Sage 100" folder
Option 3: Copy working Views over
- Note:
- This may only work if the issue appears to be with a specific view or views
- These steps require access to an additional working installation
- The issue may be the Views do not exist or the incorrect (or non-existent) path is specified in the Windows Registry
- Check the Views location in Business Insights registry key:
- Check the ViewsPath value under the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sage Software\BIE Explorer\Products\MAS90
- If the path does not exist, either the path needs to be corrected in the ViewsPath to the correct location or the Views folders may need to be copied over from a "working" machine to the local machine in the path specified (see below). You may need to compare ViewsPath value on a "working" machine.
- Navigate to "...\MAS90\BIExplorer\Views" on the server where Sage 100 is installed and verify that views exist in this directory (this could affect multiple users on server)
- Copy a view file from a known "working" installation and replace your local workstation file (in newer versions this may be moved to "C:\ProgramData\Sage\BIE Views")
Option 4: If after trying all the options above and issue occurs on only one workstation (or works fine on the server and at least one other workstation)
- Uninstall the Sage 100 Workstation Setup client (via Windows, Control Panel, Programs and Features) (Article KB 18240)
- Rename any leftover folders like "Sage 100" on the workstation's "C:\Users\ \Documents" location, or the "MAS90" folder where the removed Workstation Setup had been installed (if still exist).
- Run the Sage 100 Workstation Setup client install as Administrator (Article KB 18248)
Option 5: (Premium only) Verify the MAS_Reports user has db_datareader access to all MAS_* SQL databases.
- Log into SQL Server Management Studio with account with sysAdmin role
- Expand Security, Logins
- Right-click 'MAS_Reports' then select Properties
- Select 'User Mapping' under 'Select a page' on the left panel
- Verify the user has 'db_datareader' and 'public' access to all MAS_* databases.
- If user does not have 'db_datareader' access to database perform the follow steps for each database.
- Select 'New Query' from the toolbar
- Copy/Paste the following SQL query into New Query window
- Select Database that user does not have 'db_datareader' permissions from dropdown list on the Toolbar
- Click Execute to run query
- Repeat Steps c and d for each database the user does not have 'db_datareader' permissions
- Log back into Sage 100 and verify data appears on BI Explorer view.
Option 6: (Advanced/Premium) Verify Sage 100 client is not configured to run in Windows XP Compatibility mode
Right-click Sage 100 shortcut and select Properties. -
Click on Compatibility tab. - If ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for:’ is checked go to
step 4 to disable. -
Select ‘Change settings for all users.’ -
Uncheck ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for:’ -
Click OK twice to save settings. -
Log back into Sage 100 and verify BIE views display data.
Option 7: Unblock the App in Windows Defender