Depreciation allocation incorrect after the Beginning date

If an asset is Placed-in Service on the last day of the month and has a Beginning Date of the same month with a $0.00 Beginning Accum, the depreciation for the first period after the beginning date will be doubled and the allocation of the remaining value will incorrect over the remaining life of the asset.

Depreciation methods: AD, AA, DH, DI, MF, MI, MA, RV, SF, SB, SH, YH, and Custom Methods all exhibit this behavior.


Choose one of the following Workarounds:


  1. Clear the Beginning Date information (recommended). See How to reset depreciation on an individual asset or group of assets.
  2. Change the Placed In Service date to being any other day besides the last day of the month.
  3. Add a Beginning YTD and Accum amount.

[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]

Steps to duplicate
Related Solutions

How to change critical depreciation fields

How to force depreciation

How to reset depreciation on an individual asset or group of assets