How do I reinstall Sage BusinessWorks on a server or standalone computer?
  1. Browse to C:\Sage BusinessWorks 20xx Install Files (where xx is the year of the software you’re trying to reinstall).
  2. Double-click the Sage BusinessWorks 20xx Install Files folder.
  3. Double-click Autorun.exe.
  4. Click Install Sage BusinessWorks.
  5. When the Install screen displays, select Reinstall and click Next >.
  6. Select Yes to the message Do you want to reinstall Sage BusinessWorks.
  7. Click OK when you see the message "The Pervasive/Actian installation will be skipped".
  8. Verify the installation settings and click Next >.
  9. When the installation is complete, click Finish.
  10. Install the most current service pack.

 NOTE: If the install runs fast and the version doesn't change, login as the original user and reinstall the program. For example, if the current version is 2024 SP2, the reinstall must show version 2024 with no SP2.   

[BCB:163:Chat BusinessWorks US:ECB]

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