[BCB:1:Backup warning:ECB]
Note: This requires use of the Custom Office module application (also known as Customizer). Not all installations of Sage 100 include this module.
Note: This is considered customization. Using the Custom Office application module requires knowledge and familiarity. Sage 100 Customer Support does not assist in creating customizations and may not be able to troubleshoot or resolve errors or issues that may arise from customizations (this also applies to custom scripts). If you encounter an error or issue, you may have to delete or remove the customization and start over. Therefore, you may want to get assistance from your local Sage business partner or a qualified consultant. There is also Customizer training available on Sage University (www.sageu.com).
- Go to user's modified task window (there will be an * in the upper left-hand corner)
- Right-click on a blank area on the task window. to see a pop-up menu
- Select Panel Settings, then selet Reset Panel
- Example: For a Sales Order Entry customization:
- Select the Delete Customizer Modifications check box and click "OK".
- Note: If the screen is instead missing the option to Delete Customizer Modifications (with or without the message "There are no panel personalizations or customizations to reset"), this means the screen customization is not user-specific and you cannot use these steps. You may have to delete the specific customization through Custom Office, Customizer Selection. (See the Related Resources section for those steps.)
- Click, OK on the following message "Selected changes will not take effect until you close and restart this task.
- Close the task window
- Example: This would be the Sales Order Entry task window.
- Reopen the task window which was previously customized for the user.
DocLink: How to delete or reset a Custom Office task, screen, or panel customization