Install Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate 17.1.5 and later on a test server

To avoid problems it is best if the production server and the test server are not using the same server name.


If your production system is on version 16.1 or earlier, activating licenses on the 17.1.5 test server will not affect the 16.1 production environment.

When you are ready to upgrade your production environment to 17.1.5 and later, decide whether you want to retain use of your test environment after going live with 17.1.5 and later, or relinquish all uses to the production environment.

To retain use of your test server:

  1. On the production server:
    1. Go to Start > Sage Administration > License Administration.
    2. In the table showing modules and allocated uses, change the numbers in the Allocated Uses (blue) column to the number you want to retain for the production server. For example, if you have 10 uses for Accounts Payable and you want to retain 2 for the production server, change the number in the blue column to 2.
    3. If for some modules you don’t need to retain any uses, change the Allocated Uses to 0 for those modules.
    4. Click Update. The Unallocated Uses column shows the number of uses available for your production server.
  2. On the test server:
    1. Go to Start > Sage Administration > License Administration.
    2. Enter your Sage Client ID and Registration Name to activate the license on the test server in addition to the productuion server. (This is known as multi-server licensing.)
    3. Verify that the Allocated Uses (blue) column reflects the expected number of uses for the test server.

To relinquish all uses from the test server:

  1. On the test server, go to Start > Sage Administration > License Administration and click Deauthorize Server. Your license will be de-activated, and users will no longer be able to access Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate on the test server.
  2. On the production server, go to Start > Sage Administration > License Administration and enter your Sage Client ID and Registration Name to activate your license on the new server. Your licenses will be locked to the hardware-specific ID for the new server.
DocLink: How are software uses/licenses managed or added in version 17.1.5 (and later)?

[BCB:156:Chat 300 CRE US:ECB]
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