How do I use Alternates in Sage Estimating SQL?
You can add the alternate to the estimate in two different ways

Option 1: Adding Alternates from the Item Detail window:

  1. With an estimate open, select an Item on the spreadsheet and press CTRL+D to open the Item Detail window.
  2. In the Alternates field, either enter the name of your new alternate or select an existing alternate.
  3. Click Save to return to the estimate.

Option 2: Adding Alternates directly to the Estimate Spreadsheet:

 1. On an Estimate, add the Alternates column to your spreadsheet layout by right-clicking on a column header and selecting Insert. Then check the Alternate box and click OK.
 2. On the item you want to specify an alternate for, in the Alternate column, either enter the name of the alternate or select an existing alternate from the list.


Tip: you can change the Alternate status so it's either included or excluded from the spreadsheet: 

  1. From the Sage Estimating Ribbon, click the Advanced tab.
  2. Click the Alternates button to open the Edit Alternates window.
  3. Select the Alternates button in the far right column of the Edit Alternates window.
  4. Use tab to highlight the Status cell, then select the desired status.
  5. Click OK to close the window.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB] 

Steps to duplicate
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