How do I merge an estimate in Sage Estimating? (SQL or Pervasive)
For Sage Estimating (SQL)

  1. Launch Estimating
  2. Click on File, Merge Estimates
  3. Click on 'Create' button next to New estimate name and field the filename of the new Estimate, the database, and where you would like to save the estimate.
  4. Click on OK
  5. Optional: select the Master estimate name of the estimate you wish to have its information prefilled.
  6. Click the Step 1 tab.
  7. Add the estimates you wish to merge.

Note: There are some requirements for merging estimates. See help topics for specific information.

  1. Click the remaining Step tabs and finally click on the Merge Estimates button.

For Sage Estimating (Pervasive)

  1. Launch Estimating
  2. Click on File, Merge Estimates
  3. Type into the New estimate name field the filename of the new Estimate that will be created when you merge estimates.
  4. Optional: select the Master estimate name of the estimate you wish to have its information prefilled.
  5. Click the Step 1 tab.
  6. Add the estimates you wish to merge.

Note: There are some requirements for merging estimates. See help topics for specific information.

  1. Click the remaining Step tabs and finally click on the Merge Estimates button.

[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB] 

Steps to duplicate
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