Getting Started: Completing an estimate (SQL)
Overview of completing the estimate


The exact steps needed to complete an estimate differ from one estimator to the next. In general, though, most estimators will perform one or more of the following tasks to complete an estimate.


  • Enter prices in the estimate

The prices in the estimate reflect the item prices stored in the standard database. You should check the item prices for the various cost categories and change prices as needed to meet the current job's requirements.

  • Enter notes in the estimate

As you take off items and assemblies for an estimate, any notes you set up for them in the standard database are copied into the estimate. You may need to change some of the notes for use in the current estimate.

  • Merge two or more estimates into one estimate
  1. Click File > Merge Estimates.
  2. Complete the information for each tab.
  3. When you are ready, click [Merge Estimates] to merge the estimates.
  • Review the estimate totals
  • Totals for each cost category
  • Amounts and totals for each markup
  • Total cost of the estimate
  • Choose the markups (addons) to use for the estimate

Markups (also called addons) are indirect project costs that are typically calculated at the end of a spreadsheet. You select the markups in the Totals window. You can select them any time, but most estimators like to select them either before they perform takeoff, or after they price the estimate.

  • Check for incomplete entries in the estimate

Sage Estimating's Scan feature helps ensure your estimate is complete by finding incomplete entries on the spreadsheet. An incomplete entry is any of the following:

  • A quantity, amount, or price cell which is blank or contains a zero
  • A blank Sub Name cell on items which have subcontractor amounts

Here are some links that can help you get started:

Pricing the estimate: 

Clearing prices from the estimate (SQL)

Overriding amounts or other values on the spreadsheet (SQL)

Checking for incomplete entries in the estimate (SQL)

Entering quantities for spreadsheet groups (SQL)

Adjusting the estimate prices by a percentage (SQL)

Repricing the estimate using standard database prices (SQL)

Getting Started: Reviewing crew information (SQL)

Working with estimating totals: 

Choose the markups (addons) to use for the estimate (SQL)

Creating an addon for this estimate only (SQL)

Deleting an addon from the Totals window (SQL)

Changing the job total or cost/unit (SQL)

Setting up subtotals in the Totals window (SQL)

Create Totals page templates (SQL)

Other topics:

Checking for incomplete entries in the estimate (SQL)

How do I merge an estimate in Sage Estimating? (SQL or Pervasive)


[BCB:164:Chat Estimating US:ECB] 

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