Naming your databases (SQL)

The names you give databases, estimates, and address books must conform to Microsoft® SQL Server® requirements. These requirements are listed as follows.

  • The name cannot be empty.
  • The name must be comprised of letters, numbers, or underscores (_) only and must begin with a letter.
  • The name cannot have any spaces between characters ("white space").
  • The name must be less than 123 characters in length.
  • The name cannot have certain characters in succession. Examples of such characters include "at" symbols (@@), single quotation marks (''), or pound signs (##).
  • The name cannot match certain key words reserved for Microsoft SQL Server's own use, such as "Create," "Select," or "Insert."

If you convert existing Pervasive-based SQL data for use with Microsoft SQL Server, The Estimating Management Console automatically appends any database names that do not meet this naming criteria.

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Estimating Management Console (SQL)