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How to reset a password for users

Created on  | Last modified on 


Instructions for administrators on how to reset a user’s password in Sage 50 Accounting.


 TIP: Often more than one administrator exists for a company. We recommend having at least two administrators. See if there’s another user that can log into the company where Maintain > Users > Set Up Security... is accessible. This indicates that they’re actually an administrator for this company. 

 TIP: Passwords for each user are company-specific. Changing the password in one company won’t change it for all the companies to which that user has access. If the user has access to multiple companies, you have to reset the password individually in each company. 

  1. Log in to your Sage 50 company as the administrator. If you don't remember the administrator password, see Forgot password or user name and/or password not working.
  2. Once you’ve logged in as an administrator, go to Maintain > Users > Set Up User Security.
    • This is a single-user task. All other users must exit the company before you’ll be able to reset user passwords
  3. Select the user from the list.
  4. Click Reset Password.
  5. Enter a temporary password for the user in both fields.
  6. Click OK and Close.
  7. Have the user login with the temporary password.
  8. Click OK to change your password.
  9. In the Old password field, enter the temporary password.
  10. Enter a new password in New password and Confirm new password.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Verify the company opens successfully.


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