Forgot password or user name and/or password not working

General tips

  • Verify you’re trying to log into the correct company
  • Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive — try all versions of the username; for example, Admin, admin, ADMIN
  • Make sure you type the user ID and password exactly as they were set up — User IDs and passwords are both case-sensitive
  • If you're not sure what your username is, see I forgot my username
  • If the user was set up in a prior release of Sage 50 and the user name is longer than 16 characters, or the password longer than 9 characters, enter as much of each as will fit and click OK
  • Open Microsoft Word or Notepad and type your password in there to verify all keystrokes are registered properly. Then try copying and pasting the verified password into the password field
  • The administrator user in each company can reset passwords

Log in as an administrator and reset the user's password

  1. If an Admin user is able to log in, see How to reset a password for users.
  2. Verify that the user can now log in.

Opening the wrong company

  1. After opening the program, select the Browse button to locate all the companies.
  2. Select the correct company.
  3. Verify that you can now log in to the company.

The user isn’t licensed

  1. Log in to the company as a user with Administrator rights.
  2. Click Maintain > Users > Set Up User Security.
  3. Check the License box next to the User's name.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Log in to the company as a user with Administrator rights on the user's computer.
  6. Verify the user is still showing as licensed.
  7. Verify the user can log on with their user name.

Unable to reset the user's password or Administrator unable to log in

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, or the Admin user can’t log in, contact Sage Customer Service for further assistance.


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