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How can I reconcile the sum of the check amounts to the Employee totals in Payroll?

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How can I reconcile the sum of the check amounts to the Employee totals in Payroll?



CAUTION: Sage Customer Support cannot assist with issues related to third-party products or enhancements, hardware, report customizations, state or federal tax-related questions, or specific accounting questions. Refer to our Scope of Support document for details. For assistance, contact your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant. 

The attached reports can be used to compare the sum of the transaction details to the totals stored in the Payroll master file.

The reports were created using the Report Designer application. These reports can be run from Report Designer or added to your application report menu. Refer to article ID 18607, DocLink: How do I save, add, and print a report design? for information on how to add these reports to your report menu.

Although the reports will allow selection of multiple transaction files, it is recommended that all checks for the period being reconciled are stored in the Current transaction file in order for the amounts to be calculated correctly.


  • Checks in the New.prt transaction file have not yet updated the Payroll Master file.
  • If Retain YTD Totals at close year was checked for a pay, deduction, or fringe, the YTD Totals and the check totals may not match.

DocLink: How do I reconcile an employee's check file totals to the employee master file totals for taxes?
DocLink: How do I reconcile Payroll taxes?
Attachment: 213_20230425122619_pr_recon_pays_chk_totals.rpt
Attachment: 213_20230425122619_pr_recon_tax_chk_totals_prm.rpt
Attachment: 213_20230425122620_pr_recon_fringes_chk_totals.rpt
Attachment: 213_20230425122620_pr_recon_state_earnings_state_totals.rpt
Attachment: 213_20230425122620_pr_recon_deducts_chk_totals.rpt
Attachment: 213_20230425122621_pr_recon_taxable_subto_chk_totals.rpt