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How to conduct an Inventory with the Sage Fixed Asset Scanner app

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How to conduct an Inventory with the Sage Fixed Asset Scanner app


Note: This article assumes that the Sage Fixed Asset Scanner app is currently installed on the device you will be using. See How to install the Sage Fixed Assets Scanner for more details.

Note: A Microsoft OneDrive account is require to prepare a Mobile device reader. If the one who prepared the inventory is not the one scanning assets, the preparer will need to share the default inventory folder in Microsoft OneDrive with the other person (or people) assuming both have the same type of Microsoft OneDrive, business or personal, account.

In Sage Fixed Assets - Tracking:

Setup a Reader

  1. If a reader has not been configured: Click Inventory menu and select Reader Manager
  2. Enter a Reader Name and click Add.
  3. select Mobile Device for Reader Type for the Sage Fixed Assets Scanner app, and enter the Collector
  4. Optional: Click the Notes tab to enter additional information
  5. Click OK

To access the Inventory Helper dialog use one of the following:

  • On the bottom left in the Tasks Navigation pane, click Inventory, select an empty row under Inventory Name and click Define/Edit Inventory
  • Go to View menu, click Inventory, select an empty row under Inventory Name and click Define/Edit Inventory
  • Go to the Inventory menu and click Inventory Helper

Create an Inventory

  1. In the Inventory Helper dialog: Click Next, provide an Inventory Name, Step Owner, choose between Baseline and Dynamic Inventory and click Next
    • Baseline Inventory is intended for the collection of new asset. On clicking Next above: Levels fields will need to be selected. The tracking level fields are designed to hold information that remains constant for all assets collected during the inventory
    • Dynamic Inventory is for the finding, editing or adding of asset. On clicking Next above: Choose the group that the inventory will be performed
  2. Select the Asset Fields to be included in the Inventory

    Note: The Tag Field is required and included automatically. See How to change a tag field for more information
  3. Optional: Click Save List to save the Inventory Field list for future reference
  4. Optional: Click Load List to use an existing Inventory Field List
  5. Once this process is complete, click Next
  6. Click Finish on the Summary Screen to finalize all choices and you will be prompted to prepare a reader

    Note: At this point the Inventory can be edited but once a reader has been prepared the Inventory can no longer be edited

Prepare the Reader

  1. Click Yes when prompted or click Prepare Reader on the Inventory dialog
  2. Choose the Reader to be used in the Inventory from the dropdown and click Prepare
  3. Verify information in the Prepare Reader - Summary window: The number of asset in the chosen group to be downloaded to the reader and click OK
  4. You will be prompted to login to your Microsoft OneDrive account
  5. Once the login process is complete, click Ok on the Transfer Successful dialog and the reader name will now appear in the Prepared Readers section
  6. If no other readers need to be Prepared, click ok on the Prepare Reader dialog

Downloading the Inventory to the device and Scanning Assets:

On the mobile device:

  1. Open the Sage Fixed Assets Scanner app on your Android device, select to Download Inventory (a downward pointing arrow), login to your Microsoft OneDrive account, select and download the prepared inventory
  2. In the Sage Fixed Assets Scanner app and select the desired Inventory

    Note: It is possible to have multiple Inventories in progress at once on the mobile device
  3. Baseline Inventory:
    1. On opening a Baseline inventory you will be prompted to enter values for the Level fields selected during the inventory setup
    2. Hit the back arrow to start scanning assets by selecting the barcode icon in the upper right to activate the camera to scan a bar code and then fill in the asset information
    3. You can manually add an asset by selecting the three vertical dots and select Add Assets and fill in the asset information
    4. Select Save (the check mark in the upper right or Save button at the bottom of the asset fields) before returning to the asset list

      Note: Hitting the back arrow without saving first will result in any changes made being lost. There will be no additional prompt to save changes
  4. Dynamic inventory
    1. Once the Inventory is open on the mobile device all the assets included the inventory will be listed, you can then:
      • Scan an existing barcode: Hit the barcode icon in the upper right to active the camera to scan a bar code
        1. If the scanned barcode is found: The asset's details will populate and can be edited (which will be assets with changes) or just Saved (Found asset)

        2. If the scanned barcode is not found: The Mobile scanner will prompt to create a new asset, hitting Yes will open the Add Asset dialog with the tag field populated with the scanned barcode information and all other fields will be blank Enter the desire information into the fields and click Save

      • Open an asset on the list and edit it manually
      • You can manually add an asset by selecting the three vertical dots and selecting Add Assets and then fill in the asset information
    2. Select Save (the check mark in the upper right or Save button at the bottom of the asset fields) before returning to the asset list

      Note: Hitting the back arrow without saving first will result in any changes made being lost. There will be no additional prompt to save changes
  5. Continue scanning until all assets involved in the inventory have been scanned prior to uploading. In the Scanner app there is a summary row below the search box listing the number of New, Found and Not Found assets in the inventory
  6. Once complete, hit the back arrow to return to the Inventory List

Uploading the inventory from the Scanner app:

  • From the Inventory List, hit the up arrow to upload the Inventory to your Microsoft OneDrive account. You may need to log in again.

Receiving Data from the reader

  1. In Tracking in the Inventory Process area: (View, Inventory) click Receive Reader Data, choose reader from the dropdown and click Receive and click OK on the Records Received prompt
  2. If all readers prepared for this inventory has been received, you will be prompted to begin the reconciliation process. If you are sure you all assets involved have been scanned, click Yes and move to Reconciliation below. If not click No
  3. If no was clicked the Collected Data and Exceptions Reports can be used to verify which assets have been scanned and the Readers can be Prepare again to continue scanning. These Reports can be run from under the Reports Menu. For descriptions and how to use these reports, please refer to the User's Guide from the Product Documentation site.

    Note: On Preparing a reader for the second time, the inventory in the Scanner app will appear as it did the first time the inventory was prepare. No data will be lost. Scan the specfic assets which were missing and recieve the data again
  4. Once you are sure all assets involved have been scanned, proceed to Reconciliation


  1. Click Begin Reconciliation, enter the name of the Step Owner, and click OK
  2. Choose an Exception status from the dropdown box:
    • Asset not found - Assets which were included in the Inventory Group but were not Scanned and Save in the Scanner app during the inventory process
    • Asset with changes - Assets which were scanned, modified and saved during the Inventory. Additional changes can be made in this dialog
    • New Assets - Assets not currently in the system which were scanned and saved
    • Assets with no changes - Assets which are scanned and saved during the inventory

      Apply the appropriate Reconciliation Option to the records for each Exception type:

      Note: The default Reconciliation Option is to not do the action appropriate for the Exception type.
      Note: The Reconciliation can be paused at any time by clicking the Close button on the reconciliation dialog and answering Yes when prompted.
  3. Click Complete Reconciliation when finished: Click Yes on the prompt to confirm.
  4. Click Yes to run the Reconciliation Report, if desired.

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