Section I: Verify the Purchase/Receive invoice is correct
- Select Tasks, and then select Purchase/Receive Inventory
- Select Lists, and then select the item needed
- Verify the quantity and amount are correct, or there is not a duplicate invoice
- If the invoice is incorrect or a duplicate, delete or modify the invoice to resolve the issue
Section II: Adjust Quantity
Note: If adjusting cost, these steps must be performed first.
- Select Tasks, and then select Inventory Adjustments
- Select the needed Item ID
- If desired, enter a Reference number
- Enter effective Date
Note: If also adjusting unit cost, select the date one day prior to the effective date (for example, if the cost is changing 5/15/17, select 5/14/17).
- If desired, enter Job ID
- If desired (this is not recommended), change GL source acct
- Enter the amount to Adjust quantity by, as a positive number to raise, or negative to lower
Note: If also adjusting unit cost, the quantity on-hand must be reduced to zero (for example, if the current quantity is 5, adjust it by -5); the correct quantity will be re-entered in the next Section.
- If desired, enter Reason to adjust
- Click Save
- If only adjusting quantity, repeat these steps as necessary, and then close Inventory Adjustments
- If also adjusting unit cost, do not close the window, and proceed to the next Section
Section III: Adjust Cost
- Select Item ID
- If desired, enter Reference number
- Enter effective Date
- If desired, enter Job ID
- If desired (this is not recommended), change GL source acct
- Enter new Unit cost
- Enter amount to Adjust quantity by, to restore the quantity to the correct level
- If desired, enter Reason to adjust
- Click Save
- Close Inventory Adjustments
- Verify the cost and quantity is correct, if not proceed to next Section
Section IV: Run Integrity Check
Run Inventory/Journal Synchronization Test, follow Article ID 10248: "How to run Inventory / Journal synchronization test" in Related resources section
DocLink: How to run the Inventory / Journal synchronization test