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How to restore a company

Created on  | Last modified on 


Steps to restore a company from a backup or restore a backup file to a new company name.


In Sage Fixed Assets:
  1. Select File, Company Utilities, Restore Company, click Yes.
  2. Browse to the location of the backup file (*.BBK), highlight the backup file.
    Note: Have the *.BBK file on a Drive local to the Client installation. The program will have difficulty reading backup files on a Network drive or removable media.
  3. Highlight the Companies to restore (Click the Select All button or Hold the key down while selecting multiple but not all companies), click Next.
  4. Select the database you want to restore the company into from the dropdown, click Next.
  5. Restore - Purge History option:
    • If you select Purge All Depreciation Events, the restore process will run much more quickly and shouldn’t go Not Responding
    • If you select Do not purge or Purge depreciation events through, the restore process can take a greater amount of time depending on the asset count and the amount of historical data. During the process, Sage Fixed Assets may say Not Responding. To keep the Historical information on the assets, wait for the process to complete
      Note: Don’t interfere with this process. Ending the task presents a high risk of corrupting the database
  6. Click Restore.


  • You can’t downgrade via Company Backup\Restore. *.BBK files created in newer versions won’t restore into older versions of Sage Fixed Assets.
    Example: A .bbk file created in 2024.1 will only restore into 2024.1 or higher. It can’t be restored into version 2024.0 or older.
  • *.BBK files created in Sage Fixed Assets 2013.0 and later will restore into any newer version of Sage Fixed Assets.
    Example: A .bbk file created in Sage Fixed Assets 2014.1 will restore into Sage Fixed Assets 2024.1 as long as it’s restoring into a database created in the 2024.1 edition.

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