The Auto-Complete features looks for:
- Vendor Names (AP)
- Customer Names (AR)
- Item Descriptions (IM)
See Help Menu for designed purpose of this feature.
Select this check box to enable the Auto-Complete feature. If this check box is selected, when you start typing a customer name, vendor name, or item description in a customer number, vendor number, or item code field, a list of records matching your entry appears, and you can select a record from the list. The list is filtered as you continue typing. You will still be able to select a record by entering the customer number, vendor number, or item code.
Selecting this check box enables this feature for all users. You can then disable this feature on a field-by-field basis for individual users in User Maintenance. Clear this check box to disable the feature for all users.
To use Enhanced Auto Complete Feature available in current versions, go to Library Master, Utilities and run the Rebuild Search Index utility.
Enable (or Disable) Auto-Complete in System Configuration:
- Open Library Master, Setup menu, System Configuration
- On the Preferences tab, select the Enable Auto-Complete check box (or deselect to disable, if not desired)
- Note: Enabling the option allows access to the Auto-Complete tab and its settings in Library Master, Main menu, User Maintenance, Preferences tab. Disabling the option makes the Auto-Complete tab inaccessible.
- Click Accept
Verify the User Logon has Auto-Complete enabled (or disabled) in User Maintenance:
- Open Library Master, Main, User Maintenance
- Select the applicable User Logon from look up
- Click on the Auto-Complete tab
- Select applicable Record Types (Customer, Item, Vendor) to enable Auto Complete
- Click Accept
If Auto-Complete still is not available after enabling it for users, please try the following:
Note: All users in the affected companies must be out of the system
- Open Custom Office, Utilities menu, Update Custom Panels to Current Level
- Select the Module, Task, Company, and User you want to update
- Click OK
- Print/Preview the Custom Office Customizer Detail Report
- Open Custom Office, Utilities menu, Rebuild Customizer Log
- Click OK
Note: Use the respective lookup to search for Customer No, Vendor No, and/or Item No.
Auto-Complete suggestions do not display when typing in Customer No, Vendor No or Item No information into those fields.
DocLink: Auto-Complete does not display newly added customers, employees, items, or vendors