Getting Started: Crews (SQL)

About crews

Crews allow you to include the cost of labor and equipment in the price of items. For example, you might set up a framing crew that consists of two labor resources: a Carpenter 1 and a Carpenter 2. You might assign the framing crew to your 2x6 stud items.

If you assign a crew to an item, Sage Estimating includes the cost of that crew when calculating the item price. The hourly rates and other costs used to calculate the total cost of the crew resources are stored in rate tables. You can set up special rate tables to handle local labor rates or overtime pay scales.

Crew overview

Note: This feature is available only if you have a license to use Crews.

Crews allow you to include the cost of labor and equipment in the price of items. For example, you might set up a framing crew that consists of two labor resources: a Carpenter 1 and a Carpenter 2. You might assign the framing crew to your 2x6 stud items.

If you assign a crew to an item, Sage Estimating includes the cost of that crew when calculating the item price. The hourly rates and other costs used to calculate the total cost of the crew resources are stored in rate tables. You can set up special rate tables to handle local labor rates or overtime pay scales.

To set up and use crews:

In the standard database:

  1. Select the crew pricing method.
  2. Create a list of resources.
  3. Use the resources to create crews.
  4. Use the resources to create rate tables.
  5. Assign crews to items.

In the estimate:

  1. Select the labor and equipment rate tables for the estimate.
  2. Take off items.
  3. Modify crews and rate tables, if necessary.

Using the crew assigned to an item in the spreadsheet, Sage Estimating obtains the number of resources in that crew. Then Sage Estimating applies the rates and benefits from the rate tables specified for the estimate to determine the labor and equipment costs.

Here are some links that can help you get started:


Setting up a new crew resource (SQL) 

Changing an existing crew resource (SQL)


Rate Tables:

Setting up a new rate table for crew pricing (SQL) 

Setting up a rate table for overtime (SQL)

Changing an existing rate table (SQL) 



Setting up a new standard database crew (SQL)

Testing crew amounts (SQL) 

Assigning crews to standard database items (SQL)

Changing an existing crew (SQL)






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Getting Started: Welcome to Estimating (SQL)