Getting Started: Models (SQL)



Note: You require a license to use Sage Estimating Models.

What is an model?

Model Estimating streamlines the estimating process by providing most of the details needed during takeoff. Because each model includes a complete set of items and assemblies for a structural element, you can take off everything for that element at once. In addition, the model may even include the logic to feed the proper values into its items and assemblies.

Here are some links that can help you get started:

Model workflow (SQL Model) 

Planning the model (SQL Model) 

Creating the model (SQL Model) 

Adding questions to a model (Model SQL) 

Adding assemblies to a model (SQL Model) 

Adding items to a model (SQL Model) 

Using question formulas (SQL Model) 

Entering default values for questions, items, and assemblies (SQL Model) 

Including or excluding lines for model takeoff (SQL Model) 

Printing the Model report (SQL Model) 

How do I perform model takeoff? (SQL) 

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Getting Started: Welcome to Estimating (SQL)