To start a new report, in Sage Fixed Assets-Depreciation:
- Go to Reports, Reporting, Create New Report.
- Enter the Report Title, enter a File Name for the report.
- Click Create Report.
Note: Crystal Reports 2016 for Sage will open to the Preview tab on a default report. This report only includes the System Number and Extension of all assets in the company. To add a field to the report from Field Explorer: Note: If you don’t see Field Explorer in Sage Fixed Assets-Reporting, go to View, Field Explorer. - Go to the Design tab (located near the top-left corner of the report window).
- In the Field Explorer pane (far right): Click the plus sign (+) next to Database Fields.
- For Sage Fixed Assets-Depreciation fields: Click the + next to Depreciation_Asset_Information.
- Drag and drop the desired fields from the list into the Details line of the design view.
To change the assets which appear on the report, use the Select Expert: - Go to Report, Select Expert
[BCB:165:Chat Fixed Assets US:ECB]